Circling, “EL” wire (electroluminescent wire), Performed at JoAnn Artman Gallery, Laguna Beach, and at BC Space Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA.
Tip Top, Performed at the Laguna Art Museum for the Biennial Exhibition, 2009, Laguna Beach, CA. During the performance I balanced a stick on my head while rotating in the center of a circle. The performance ended when the stick fell down.
Ricochet, Performed at the Irvine Fine Arts Center, Irvine, CA. Corner, Charcoal, Ball. This was made by bouncing a ball on the charcoal-covered floor by angling the ball when it bounced of the floor, it ricocheted between the two walls building up marks from the charcoal.
Solo Act, Performed at Riverside Art Museum, Riverside, CA.
Measured Breaths, Performed at Otis College of Art and Design, Ben Maltz Gallery, Los Angeles, CA. Performance Drawing on Wall, Video and Sound
During the performance I made a drawing on one side of a freestanding wall of the gallery at Otis College of Art and Design. In the process of making the drawing, I synchronized my arm movements with my breathing. Drawing a half circle with my right arm extended as far as possible when exhaling, I completed the circle with my left hand without graphite when inhaling. Over the course of the performance, the drawn lines from my right arm became dark and thick, while the repeated motion of my left arm left a mark like a shadow.
On the opposite side of the wall was a full scale video projection of a man using his arms to make circles synchronized with his breathing, similar to the motions that I was making, but with more difficulty and less range of motion.
The sound is the sound of the two persons breathing.
Sculpture/Drawing, Performed during the opening reception of the exhibition The Organic Line at Andi Campognone Projects in Pomona, CA.
The performance consisted of sitting on a pedestal with paper and graphite, drawing everything in my line of sight. When the drawing was finished (taking 1-2 minutes), I turned 45 degrees and made another drawing from this new line of sight. I continued drawing and rotating throughout the two hours of the performance. As each drawing was completed, it was thrown on the floor. At the end of the performance I climbed off the pedestal, leaving approximately 60 drawings scattered on the floor.
Drawn, Performed at Frank M. Doyle Arts Pavilion, Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, CA. Wall, Charcoal
Prior to the performance I made, using charcoal, a rectangular line the height of the width of my hand and the length of the width of my body. During the performance, I placed my hands on the rectangle and extended the line as far as I could without changing the position of my feet.
Standing Still Standing, Performed at Orange County Center for Contemporary Art, Santa Ana, CA. Performance with Freestanding Wall, Video Projection
During the opening reception, I stood facing the wall. On the opposite side was a video projection of my silhouette standing.
Drawn In, Studio performance with wall, graphite and yarn, Performed in Studio
Afterlife, Originally performed at Haus, Pasadena, CA.
Prior to the performance, the top surface of the table was prepared with graphite, polished to a reflective surface. During the performance, I put a powdered graphite circle approximately two inches from the outside edge of the table. I then sat on the chair and stretched my arms as far as possible gathering the powdered graphite toward my head forming a silhouette of it. I stood up and walked away.
With Both Feet, Performed at Japan America Cultural Center, Los Angeles, CA.
Using one line from beginning to end with both feet remaining stationary throughout, the drawing was made by tracing the contours of each foot, using the right hand to draw the right foot, the left hand to draw the left foot.
The contours were drawn in ever widening circles to the farthest range of the arms’ reach.
Toss and Turn
2000 Revolutions, Performed at Riverside Art Museum, Riverside, CA. Graphite on Wall, Tape player, Tape recorder, Slides, Projector
This work was made for the exhibition, It’s About Time at the Riverside Art Museum. In addition to being a drawing, it was also a performance and an installation. During the performance I made 2000 continuous circles with graphite directly on the wall, counting the number of each revolution aloud. The circles were as big as I could make them while standing in the same spot and stretching my arm as far as it would allow. It lasted approximately two hours, with short rest periods. The performance was photographed. The resulting slides were projected on the wall on top of the actual work during the duration of the exhibition. A tape recorder was held in one hand during the performance and was played back in a continuous loop throughout the exhibition.